General Description Rosehip flowers

Rosehip is truly a treasure trove of vitamins and essential nutrients vital for our health. Yet, surprisingly, lemons have gained widespread recognition as a top source of vitamin C, while rosehips remain largely overlooked. This is quite surprising, considering that rosehips contain fifty times more vitamin C than lemons! It's clear that rosehips are vastly underrated, with many people unaware of their remarkable benefits. Isn’t it time we shed light on this extraordinary gift from nature?

While rosehips are best known for their impressive vitamin C content, they also boast a rich biological composition that includes vitamins A, K, P, E, and B. Their diverse nutrient profile extends to a wealth of trace elements like potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, chromium, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, and more. But that’s not all! Rosehips are also packed with natural sugars, pectin, tannins, organic acids, essential oils, and other compounds crucial for maintaining overall health.

With such a potent blend of bioactive substances, rosehip extract offers a wide range of health benefits and applications, making it a natural powerhouse that deserves far more attention.

Why Choose Rosehip Extract Over Rosehip Tea?

Rosehip extract is significantly more potent than traditional rosehip tea or decoctions made from raw berries. Through a meticulous process of water extraction and lyophilization (freeze-drying), the extract becomes a highly concentrated powder that retains the maximum amount of biologically active compounds and vitamins, all while preserving the integrity of the berries' DNA.

Let’s compare:

This makes our Rosehip Extract a powerhouse antioxidant, packed with far more vitamin C than rosehip tea, yet with a mild, non-acidic taste. It’s also a refreshing thirst quencher when dissolved in cold water.

One more crucial point: much of the vitamin C on the market today is synthetic, produced in China from GMO corn. Finding non-GMO, natural vitamin C can be quite challenging. Our Rosehip Extract offers 100% natural vitamin C, free from GMOs. It's also water-soluble, meaning all the vitamins are rapidly absorbed into your bloodstream for maximum benefit.

Our freeze-dried rosehip extract powder offers the purest and most potent form of rosehip:Rosehip extract powder has up to 14% of pure vitamin C!