Volume Nine
Section #55:

Bodywork. Do not ignore it.

(In this segment, we’re going to be talking with doctor Richard Schulze and worrying about some bodywork techniques. But first I’ve got some questions I want to ask him and then we’ll bring Sandy in.
Now, Richard, why bodywork? This is not a massage tape, we’re talking about the incurable diseases. One doesn’t seem to fit with the other…)
Absolutely, a word we can use for the basis of every disease in a human body, is the word “blockage”.

We have something blocked off to that area. Whether it's the blood supply or the lymphatic supply, or even no supply…
(What do you mean “blockage”? I mean, a lot of these sicknesses, they don’t look purple. They’re getting blood alright…)
No, that’s why they get disease. That's any area in the body gets diseases, because it can't get the nutrition in and it can’t get the waste out. Many people think of nutrition “in through the mouth” and waste “out through the bowel”. But every cell in your body needs to be fed. You can drink all the carrot juice in the world, you can take all the greatest herbs that are the most potent, you get that into your digestion, you assimilate that into your blood, but unless that blood gets to that exact cell, that’s sick - it won't get nourished, it won't get well.
(But still, aren’t you talking about techniques, that are just trivial comparing to diseases that we’re dealing with?)
Absolutely not. The power of bodywork is amazing - what happens, when you increase that circulation. And so, what we’re going to be covering is a few basic techniques, that anybody can do, to get more circulation through the body and to those organs.

Because the circulation not only increases the amount of vitamins and minerals and amino acids and enzymes from you juices, and your herbs, but you get into that organ, it also gets the waste out of the cell, the carbon dioxide out of the cell, the waste materials: the toxins and poisons. This all has to happen through your blood and your lymphatic system, and if that blood is reduced, and there can be a lot of reasons: the tumor can put pressure on the body…
(You mean a mechanical pressure?)
That’s right, mechanical constipation. 5 or 10 pounds of fecal matter in your bowel and you can’t have the same flow of blood through your veins, your arteries and even through your lymphatic system. It can even press off nerves, and create further paralysis.
(Now, you’ve told me, you’ve been out with a lot of doctors on the golf course, they loosen up, tell you things.)
(They’re not going to say that on air and be quoted on. I’m sure you get into bodywork. What did they say?)
Well, officially, doctors don't talk about it, they have no training in it whatsoever, they really don't know anything about it.

Off the record, most every doctor I know, gets bodywork, gets some type of massage to relieve their stress.
(Yes – stress! They’re not doing it to cure the disease. They wouldn’t even go near it.)
Absolutely, they use it just for prevention. In other words - so it doesn't build up. Because if that stress, that muscle tightness builds up, it constricts again: veins, arteries, lymphatic ducts.
(But they wouldn’t consider that as a serious part of a…)
They do. I get calls from them. Yes, I have one doctor, that's a very good friend of mine, that has a chronic neck problem, that was suggested by his colleagues to undergo surgery to correct this, because he had numbness, pain in his neck, the nerves were degenerating. He even had disk problems. I said: “Hey, why don't you try this?” He did, recovered from it, didn't have to have any surgery. So the doctors are looking at it, they’re just don't do it. And on top of all that, when you go to a doctor, you have what - 3 min., 5 min. in the doctor's office? He’s got to find your file, ask you questions, find out where it hurts and prescribe a drug. There's no time to touch you, doctors don't touch you!

The only time when you get touch nowadays, is when you’re dead, in the casket, they embalm you and put some makeup on. And then it's too late.
(Let’s bring Sandy on. And let’s start demonstrating it, so people could do it at home. And again, I want to emphasize – it’s not just for the patient, it's for the family, who has a hard time dealing with all this.)
Absolutely, everybody needs this.

Section #56:

Body Massage

For years people have came into my office, and said: “What else can I do? We’re doing the herbal programs, we’re on the food programs, we’re doing some of the other natural healing routines…What else can we do?” And I say: “You have to put your hands on the person, that's not well.” We have to stimulate that circulation: the blood, the lymph, the nerves. We have to bring them back to life. And then these people say to me: “But I have no training, I don't know any bodywork! Do I have to learn 347 points?”

No! This is your God-given gift, and we all know how. Just put your hands on the person and starts squeezing and massaging them to stimulate their body. This is going to create a healing. It's the professionals in the field, that have made you feel incompetent. They don't want you touching someone, they want you to leave it to them. But we have to start touching, kneading, squeezing and working on the person, to help them get better. Now, there are few things, that I want to tell you about, before we actually get started. And the first is - I always have two bottles in my pocket, when I'm doing any work on anybody, and you'll see it. All through this tape - Cayenne tincture and Lobelia tincture. Why tinctures? Because they're fast. I can pull them right out of my pocket and use them immediately. Why Cayenne and Lobelia? Cause Cayenne is the greatest way to bring a person back, if someone's feeling faint or dizzy, or you see their face go white.

A few drops of Cayenne tincture in the mouth - you'll see the blood come back and revives them. On the other hand, if a person is too tight and to contracted, and their muscles are in spasm, Lobelia - the greatest herbal anti-spasmodic. 5 to 10 drops taken will relax the muscles and relaxed the person. So, always have these two on hand.
The second thing is - always have something nice to make it smell good. You know, when people are ill, they don't smell good. Infection doesn't smell good, I’ve had cancer tumors in my office, that made the office smell for days in there! So, always have something, that you can just spray into the air. Now, this is - essential oils, you can buy them in the health food store. The essential oils here are: eucalyptus and orange. Two of my favorites, and you can just spritz them through the air to have it start smelling nice.
But also, most all herbal essential oils are antibacterial.

So they will also destroy any bacteria in the air. And, of course, as we breathe them, they actually destroy bacteria, that’s in our body. And finally, always have something to put on the body. I use a deep tissue oil, that's mainly wintergreen, peppermint oil and also Cayenne pepper. And this stimulates the circulation in the area, it also reduces inflammation. So you take a little bit of this deep tissue oil. Just put it on your fingers, and then we’re going to rub it into a few spots. And two of my favorite spots to begin with, of course, are the temples. Just put it on the temples, and it should begin to smell. I can even put a little bit under upper lip, so she breathes that, so she can feel it.
And then just put your hands on a person, and tell them to breathe. This is a basis. Many people, when you're working with them, hold their breath. So I tell people…Sandy, just take a nice deep breath and let it out, and if you sigh - that's okay.

There’s nothing worse, than working on someone and hearing them go:….- they’re not breathing, they’re holding their breath, and they're not just letting go. We want them to let go and breathe. And Sandy, I was talking to you earlier, about bodywork, and what did you say:
(Well, I kind of gave up having bodywork, because I’ve had it a lot. It was very difficult to find someone, who’s going to work deep into your muscles. And I never feel anything!)
(And Sam is the only one, I feel better after he works on me.)
Absolutely, and this is one of my biggest complaints. There is maybe a time and place for it, but most massage therapists I call “oil smearers”. It feels like they just put oil on you and smear it around. And for good bodywork to increase the nervous circulation, and also the blood and the lymph - we have to dig in there a little bit.
Now, use your sensitivity, and if a person goes: “Ouch”, - tell them to just sigh and relax with it, engage it to whoever you're working on. Some people are more sensitive.

One of the first things I want to do is – just take a big breath for me and let it out. And I’m just going to lift your shoulders up a little bit. Big breath in, and just let it out, just let them drop. Good, we’re just jetting them drop. Again - big breath in, and just let it drop and sink into the chair. And a very basic technique is to just – grab a hold of the shoulders, and with your thumbs just make some circular motions on the muscles on each side of the spine. The spine runs right on the back, you can obviously see it. And the two things we’re going to do with Sandy, is - get more blood flowing to her head. We’ll actually see the difference in the color of her face. And we’re also going to free some of these muscles, because all the nerves come out of the spine and the lower part of the head. And this is what we have to do - stimulate the nerve circulation, so we can heal, and the blood circulation.
So, I’m just going to begin with some deep circular motions here to free up. How does that feel?
(It feels wonderful.)
Yes, everybody likes this.
(It brings warmth right away.)

That's right, we’re going to see that within 5 minutes, we’re going to have a changed person here. And I’m going to squeeze these muscles here, just squeeze them right between your hands and take a deep breath, and let it out. And I’m just going to ring out these muscles. You can even then squeeze with your fingertips the front part of the arm, then squeeze the whole arm and bring your thumbs around back, and squeeze the back. Many times, when you're working on people like this, they begin to feel tingling in their face, or their head, or their feet, because you're loosening up those nerves. We’re going to get more nerve and blood and lymph flow in her body, that’s probably been here for a week or two, maybe months, with some people – maybe years.
(I feel like a tingling in my hands…)
Absolutely. And I'm going to ask you to just tip your head forward and drop it, just drop it in my hands. Good, just let it drop and take a big breath in, and just let it drop more, just the full weight of that head.

And you can feel it someone's holding their head or not letting it go. And now, we’re going to get on that neck. And for you to start, you can just squeeze it. Squeeze between the base of your hand and your fingertips.
So what we’re going to do, is squeeze that muscle, right around that spine. What we’re trying to do is – free up this musculature. You know, muscles can get so tight, that they actually cut off nerve and blood supply. And so, we have to free these muscles up, and then we could also, just hold your head there for me Sandy, we would put our fingers like this, between our thumb and our index finger. And all I’m going to do, is just press and make some circular motions. And this also helps stimulate the nerves in this area and release the muscles.
Do you feel that?
(Yes, I just feel like energy coming down to my arms right now.)
Yes, that’s right.
(And then it’s going up to my head.)
It’s so powerful, isn’t it? No wimpy technique!
(No! I can actually feel it going down my lats.)

Absolutely! This will stimulate, again, circulation throughout the whole body. And so, you can go up and down. This big bump you feel here is the seventh cervical vertebrae. And that’s about where you stop, and you work it like this with a finger and the thumb, stimulate it up and you can put your head forward now, take that big breath in, as you let it – let the head drop right in my hand and I'm going to continue working all the way up here, right into the base of her skull. Now, hold your head there. What I'm talking about is – you’ll feel when the scull comes down and you’ll feel where it stops. You want to work right up into there.
And when you're up there, you can even go to both sides along the base of the skull plate. With some people this can be painful. Is that painful at all?
(No, it’s not.)
Okay, she can take a little bit of extra pressure, some people can't. We’re just loosening up that musculature, right at the base.
(That feels tingly.)

(No, no, it feels good – as if energy is going through all my body, and you’re just one little part of my body!)
Hey, and many don't use our psychic abilities. So, ask the person – what does this feel like? What are you feeling there? And if you hear silence – again, say: “Take a big breath in.” And as they let it out – go ahead and apply some pressure. Press into that area to release those muscles. Another great thing to do over upper on the head is just a scalp massage. I've never met a person, who didn't like a scalp massage. And all I’m going to do is take my fingers, my finger pads, and just stimulate that scalp. It's amazing – the nerve endings, that are all through the top of our head, and what this does. How does that feel?
(You just feel like you’re waking up more and more.)
That's right, you don't need a cup of coffee, if you just have someone do this for you a couple of minutes in the morning. There are no toxic side effects to body, I’ll tell you.

And go ahead and really scrub. You’re not going to hurt someone. Most people are afraid to touch. They think: “Oh, I’m going to break something!” Believe me, you want to get hurt – go to the hospital. We’re talking about healing here.
Go ahead really scrub with the pads of your fingers. And then, don't forget the ears. The ears are a place, that we never touch. The ears, of course, according to acupuncture, have points on them, that stimulate the entire body. So, don’t be afraid to really grab a hold of those ears and squeeze them. What I’m going to do – is just squeeze that earlobe, and kind of “ring out” those ears. How does that feel?
(Feels really good.)
Yeah, and don’t forget the back of that ear. That's a very important place here. Really press hard, you can put a lot of pressure on the back of that ear, and just run your fingers up across that scull plate, the back of that ear. And don't forget to just knead and ring out that ear. I’m going to do the other side here.

Take a big breath in. Notice - I keep reminding her to breathe. We all hold our breath in many times during bodywork, and, of course what carries every healing process through the body - is oxygen. It is the most primary nutrient to the human body. I’m going to do a little more scalp stimulation, going to work that seem area back here.
(I’m feeling much warmer all over.)
Yeah, that’s called “blood”. And now you begin to appreciate the lack of circulation you had 2 minutes ago, alright?
(Oh, you’re right! I can feel it moving through my body.)
Now, for other people, you want to move down the spine and further. We’re going to do that in a minute. Big breath in again, and let it out – big breath, and again, and let it out.

And with some people, that are very tight through these muscles, you can go ahead and put your palm right on those muscles, and put some pressure on them. Take a big breath in, and let it out.
Now, again, this isn’t a “bodywork course”. I'm just trying to show you how to help your friends and relatives in the need. We need to touch them, we need to squeeze them. In fact, caretakers for those of you taking care of a sick relative, you need this as much as the person, that’s sick! This helps to relieve stress. I’ve put people to sleep in 5 minutes, doing these techniques.
Let’s do the head a little bit more, and I want to wake up that neck just a little bit more.
How does that feel?
(It feels wonderful! You know, I have to say, when you’re working on me, I can feel like my spirits are more “uplifted”.)

Oh, absolutely.
(You actually start to feel happier, so I would think on a person, who doesn’t feel good, this is just a wonderful way to “feel nice”.)
And let’s take a look at her face. You can see the change in the blood flow, her face is redder, there's more blood going through her face. There is more circulation. This is the master computer to the body, it's not just where we think. In this brain, there is organs, that control almost the entire metabolism of the human body: your hormones are regulated by your hypothalamus and pituitary. They are up here. In fact, the hypothalamus and pituitary create chemicals that work the whole endocrine system: the pancreas, the adrenals, the thyroid, the thymus. All controlled by up here. We have to get more blood in and out of here, and then the communications through the nerve pathways - we have to wake that up. I’m going to have her lean forward a little bit more, and I’m just going to show you how to do some basic work down the spine. And you keep breathing for me, Sandy.

Again, there's musculature all down on both sides of the spine. For most of us, it gets bound, it gets tight. If you wanted to use a little oil – that's fine, but you don't have to. And if someone has a spot, and the go: “Oh!”, - work on it, put your hand on it, knead it. As you can see – we don’t need any advanced techniques. Sometimes just putting a hand on someone's body and rubbing it a bit…The biggest problem is – most people do not do it deeply enough.
I'm just trying to wake her up, wake up those nerves. Do you feel that?
(I do feel it.)
And sit up and take a big breath for me.
(Richard, I have a question.)
(If someone’s got a brain tumor. And now working up near the head…it isn’t going to make the cancer worse? Spread the cancer?)
No, not at all. In fact – it’s what we need to do.

We need to get that nutrition in, those herb chemicals in, that vitamins, minerals, enzymes in that blood, into that. We have to increase a circulation. It is going to get worse without it. And, of course, as that circulation gets in there, the chemicals in these herbs are going to break up the tumor. Then, there's waste, and that has to get out of there. So, by increasing that circulation – the blood, the lymph, even the nerve – this is going to do everything to heal that area.
(Is this should be done with people with Alzheimer’s too?)
Oh, everybody, everybody, believed me. And, one thing, that I always like to do too - you can work the arms, the hands in the same way. And also the legs. The legs, with most people, need some simulation.
(Feels good.)
Yeah, sure. You wake up those legs.
And you can do the whole body, again. You don't have to have the massage books, you don't have to have any certification. All you have to do - is be a caring human being, and go ahead and grab a hold of this person, and you're going to find, that they’re going to feel better right away.

To end this, I'm going to give her a little drop of some cayenne tincture. Why not use herbs to accentuate the bodywork we do? Just a couple drops, swish that around in your mouth. And now were going to get maximum blood flow up into her head.
How are you doing?
Yes, waking her up. Cause what we wanted to do with Sandy - stimulate that blood, stimulate that lymph, stimulate that nerve flow to start our healing.
How are you doing?
(Good. Really good.)

Section #57:

Foot Reflexology

Now, you’ve just seen how powerful a little bodywork can be. You saw the difference in Sandy in just 5 minutes of doing a little work on her neck and her shoulders, and her head, and down her spine. The second area, that I want to tell you about, that so important to work – is the other end of the body, the feet.

You know, the natural healers of old all used what they called either “zone therapy” or “foot reflexology”. They used this to stimulate the person, to stimulate, again, the blood and the nerves in their body. You know, I once spent time with Dr. Christopher, and I saw him help a man pass a kidney stone by pressing points on the bottom of his feet. Just by pressing a few points, he helped the man move his kidney stone. You don't need to know foot reflexology, you don't need to have a map or a chart of it. Again, we’re just going to use our own intuition, put our hands on Hillarys feet this time, and do some footwork. And I’, going to show you first how to do some things to relax, and then some things to move some blood, and some nerve, and some lymphatic circulation in your body.
You know, that the bottom of the feet are loaded with nerve endings. And these nerve endings, when stimulated, can stimulate any organ, muscle, system in the body.

Your doctors use just a little bit of a pen, or a piece of implement by the bottom of the feet…I mean, look at her face.
What does it feel, when I do that?
We have so many nerve endings covering the bottom of our feet! Now again, we know, when we see reflexology charts, that the two bottoms of the feet represent the two halves of the body. Of course, we know the internal organs and the colon are down here, and we know that this side of the body is her right side of her colon. And this side of her body is the other side. We know, that the heart and lungs are up here. But you don't have to know all that. Just work the whole bottom of the feet and go ahead and dig in with your thumb. And you can use circular motions or pressing motions. We’re just trying to stimulate all the nerves and reflexes on the bottom of her feet, cause we know there are tens of thousands of them down there. And don't forget the bottoms of those toes. You can also take your knuckles and just knead them in, because it's tough.

The bottom of peoples feet can be very tough, and just knead those knuckles in and work them up the bottom of the feet. This is a very important part of stimulating the nerve reflexes throughout the whole body.
So, what we’re going to do first. Before we actually get into stimulating the nerve endings and the reflexes, I just want to relax her feet a little bit. Just put your hands on the person’s feet. That's a powerful tool right there. You're making that “body to body” connection. Just by holding someone's feet, it makes them relax.
And, Hillary, I’m going to say the same things as I did before – I want you to breathe. Just take some nice breaths in and let it out. Sometimes you even have to help a person forcefully breathe, because many of us are used to, when we’re in pain or suffering, or are not well, to hold our breath. So, I’m just going to keep reminding her to breathe. And, at first, I just want to hold that foot in my hand and give it a few rotations.

We’re just trying to relax it, getting her to let that foot go. You might even give it a little stretch back and little stretch forward. It is a nice technique, that feels really nice, that you can just cup the foot behind the ball at the Achilles tendon, between the two palms of your hand, and just shake that foot back and forth. You can do this for a minute or two – it helps relax the knee, the calf - all the way up to the hip and the pelvis. It feels good, you can also come up here and just go ahead and squeeze, put pressure on this area and rub it back and forth. It feels wonderful, I've never had anybody turned down a foot massage. Once you've relaxes the foot, you can stroke it a little bit and rub it, you can even get your hands up on to the calf. Just squeezing a persons calf can feel wonderful.
How does that feel, Hillary, when I squeeze that?
(I got really warm.)
Yeah, warmth, stimulates the circulation.

We’re just doing a little massage, but the calves are such nice areas. We’re on our feet maybe all day long, this muscle does a lot of work. Let's relax it.
Now, one of the things I want to show you too – is stretching the toes. Stretching a person's toe and relieving the stress in those toes can have a dramatic effect on the rest of their body. One of the things you do is, you just grab a hold of the toe. Just grab a hold of it in the middle, above the middle knuckle, pinch it a little bit, so you get a grip on it, and just lift up and back. Just stretch the toe.
And again – you’re just grabbing it and lifting it up and back. And if you slip off, because the persons foot is a little damp, then just go ahead and grab it between the little washcloth or a towel. And again, tell the person to take big breasts. They take a big breath, and then – lift up and back, and down. Good.
And we'll do the next one.

Grab it about in the middle, take a deep breath in, and as the person exhales, lift up and down and around. And you might’ve heard a little pop there. That happens. Take a big breath in, and lift up and back, and just stretch it around. We’re just stretching those toes, and we’ll do the little toe here, get a hold of it, Hillary's breathing. And as she lets that out, I lift up and stretch that around. And now we'll do the big toe the same way. We grab it, get a good hold of it, lift up and as she lets out her breath, I stretch it back and down. Good. And then just go ahead and squeeze those toes. And you're still breathing, good.
Now, we’re also going to work on the inside of those toes. For some people this can be quite painful, and if they feel pain, you just tell them to keep breathing.

Do you feel any pain, when I work that part of your toe, Hillary? So, when you breathe in, on your exhales - let out some audible sighs.
You know, in foot reflexology, this corresponds to the head and the neck. And many times when you're working this area on a person, they will feel tingling in their neck. Do you feel anything in that area?
(Oh, yeah, the top of my head.)
Yeah, the top of her head. And people wonder: “Does this really work? Is the foot really connected?” The minute you start working this area with people, they are going to feel tingling in their neck and the top of their head. And again, we’re just doing some reflexes on the side of the total. Just working up the side of that toe and the bottom of this toe.
We’re just kind of pinching it between our thumb and our first finger. And, you know, that just by doing this, it takes the person's attention away from their thinking about their illness and maybe if they're going to die or not, and they’re going to get well.

It makes them think about another area, actually – their feet, and that is very relaxing: to move those thoughts out of the head, give that person a little bit of a break.
And we’re going to do the little toe here too. Hillary, do you feel anything going throughout your body, anything you can share with us as I’m doing this?
(Mainly, in my temples I can feel: ”Ouch”.)
Yeah, and if it is a little painful, just say “Take a deep breath.”
There is a couple of other points down here, right behind the ball on each side of the foot. According to reflexologists, these are the reproductive organs, but these are also good points to stimulate the entire body. And I'm just going to take my fingers in this area, and as Hillary takes a big breath in, I’m just going to work these spots a little bit.
Breath in and you can let out an audible sigh. We know, that it’s a little bit painful, because I see her eyebrows, and her face.

So, take a big breath in, and as you let it out:”Aaaah…” Good.
For some reason, we’ve learned, that moaning is wrong, and we have to get people to moan again, to let it out. Now, on a woman this side here is the ovaries.
(I can feel heat in that part of my body.)
Absolutely. For woman, this is the ovaries, and for a man, this is the testicles. And on the inside for a woman, it's the uterus. And we’re working on this inside part here, and for man that's the prostate. But work both these areas! We’re just grabbing from behind. And now, I’m going to put my thumb on the inside over here, I’ll turn it for a little bit. And I’m just going to work this area with my thumb. Hillary, again – deep breaths and moan.
Let in out with an audible sigh. Good. Now, do you feel anything different with your skin? Maybe your temperature, your body temperature?
(Much higher.)

Much hotter. How about any perspiration? Yeah, you’re beginning to sweat, right?
We’re stimulating the skin glands, we’re stimulating the temperature of the body.
Look at the dramatic change in Hillary's face in just 2 minutes of doing this. She has a more serious look on her face, but you can tell that we’re changing her energy, we’re changing her thoughts, we’re changing the way she feels. I can tell you right now, her feet are very wet in my hands.
These are some of the few things, that you can do to a person's feet to not only let them have a few minutes, where they forget their illness, but also – to stimulate the nerves, and even the skin and the organs throughout the whole body. And – take a big breath in, Hillary. How you feel, how do you feel different?
(My headache is gone, and I feel lightheaded.)
Absolutely. And if a person gets a little too lightheaded, what do we have? Our cayenne tincture.

If they are too tensed, and you want to relax them – we have our lobelia. Very simple, just get your hands on the persons, on your loved ones, on your relatives – get your hands on their feet, and start working them. You don't need a license, you don't need a degree, just use your common sense. And don't be afraid to make them breathe, and cause a little bit of pain. A little bit of pain stimulates the nerves and the bloodflow in the body.

End Volume Nine.